R.I.P Google Play, You’re Terminated
Rest in peace. Google play. What does it mean for the rest of streaming and what are the next steps? I'll tell you.
You know what's coming up next? That's the artist of the day. Are you ready? Great, let's do it. The artist of the day today is my friend Prisca, with their catchy pop songs and sultry voice. She's a sure fire win for anyone's playlist. So you need to go check out Prisca. She just recently released a live performance video and audio captured. I think if you're a fan of Adele, you'll probably dig Prisca.
Okay, okay, okay, okay. On to the main event. And that's right, folks, Google Play is shutting down in December. Everyone knew that this was coming for the last couple of months, but recently they sort of released a timeline in their slow and rabble of the platform, it kind of signals to me that Spotify in a lot of other people are winning this war and they kinda wanna invest more in YouTube, and sort of the things that YouTube does to try and double down their efforts in that department, they're trying to encourage people to move all their stuff from Google Play over to YouTube music. However, it seems as though the tools that they've developed to sort of make that transition happen are not very good, and it seems it's not really being accepted that well on the internet.
But before we go any further, let's talk about the timeline and what you could expect.
In late August they'll shut down preorders and they'll also stop the ability for you to upload and download music on the platform. In September, they'll stop the whole streaming platform for New Zealand and also for South Africa. In October, the entire platform will shut down and will cease to exist, but they will give you until December to get all of your information off of there, and after that, it just gets deleted. So why am I talking about Google Play Music fallow question? It's just another signal to me that Spotify and all of these other streaming platforms are really taking up all the market share, and we need to be aware that this is sort of the new future and the long term future, that streaming is here to stay.
This be a red flag for me in investing in any sort of platform like Google or connected to Google.
At least, as it pertains to Music. They've obviously showed that they're behind the curve on this and they're going ahead and surrendering their platform, whereas Apple music sort of revolutionized their platform, it just shows that Google's main interest is not really in streaming service type stuff, and I would probably put my money somewhere else, where should you put your money that's a great question. It talks about who pays the most, so giving your money to say, YouTube, not a good idea because they pay the absolute worst, but giving your money to somebody like Napster or title guarantees the artist at least one cent per play, which is a far better pay out over the long term, if you think about it... Because let's face it, it's all about getting that artist paid, if you're going to experience their art, it's about making sure the artist is getting something back for all that time spent creating that piece of art and also giving you the chance to experience it and for it to enhance your life.