Van Morrison is Starting His Own Stimulus Fund for Musicians


Today’s Artist of the Day: Sweet Deat

Hey everybody, what's going on? It's Sweet Deat, and I'm back again to tell you about Van Morrison stimulus check that he wants to send everybody in the UK, think I'm crazy, I might be. So might he... We'll talk about it right now.

Today, we're gonna talk about Van Morrison's plan to stimulate the old musician economy by starting his own stimulus program, what… So let's dive right into it. Last month, a study on the British live music scene was released and it said that over 170,000 musicians are set to lose their jobs. Now, we know that Van Morrison has had some very strong feelings. If you've been following the news about this whole lockdown thing and how he basically doesn't really prescribed to it at all, his opinion, his world, go Van Morrison, totally on you. Rather than just continue to write songs about how the government is screwing everyone like he has been, he decided to take it a step further and actually start a musician fund that would benefit musicians  hat are in hardship. Van Morrison has dubbed this The Lockdown Financial Hardship Fund.

So how is he getting the funding... Well, he's using the funding that's come with his lock down songs that he wrote, just so that you can go and listen to them online, these tracks are called Born to be Free , and the obvious toe-tapper... No more Lockdown. So now you can go listen to Van Morrison's protest songs and know that you're doing musicians a solid… These payments are a onetime stimulus to musicians that are around 500 Pounds or 650 US dollars, not too shabby. So how does one become eligible for this Van Morrison stimulus package? Well, it's simple, if you're an unemployed or self-employed musician and over 50% of your money came from music, you are eligible, the only other stipulations is you're above the age of 16 and that you live in the UK area and Ireland. Of course, they're gonna ask for that eligibility. So make sure that you have all that stuff ready to go.

In addition to this fund, you gotta know that Van Morrison has already sent a letter to the Northern Ireland folks asking for them to recommence live music as he says, and that you know, it's time for us to get moving. A great episode of this particular channel that might be of interest in you is the very last one that I did, which talks about a German study that proved that if you have good ventilation systems and everybody wears a mask, it's very, very unlikely for transmission of covid 19 to occur. So Van Morrison is really trying to express his views here and pretty awesome that he's donating all of the money from those protest tracks to musicians who need it the most right now. England is gonna be one of the most hardest hit musician economies, it seems as it pertains to just a working man musician type, they have been much more in locked down than a lot of other countries, and also a lot of major cities in general, that speaking about London, Manchester, etcetera.

Pretty fascinating. Wouldn't it be nice if one of our pop singers or one of our staple musicians decided to donate all of their streaming revenue to a musician fund such as this to help out people? That would be a really cool thing. So regardless of what you think about Van Morrison and his political views, you gotta give them a nice round of applause for taking the step forward and doing something really interesting here. Thank you, Van Morrison.

So for today's artists to the day, I'm gonna choose me. Yes, I know. It's rather silly that I've not done this yet, but I have music that I'd like for you to listen to. My band is called Wisetale, and the song I want you to listen to this week is called Fix. It's pretty fun,

Until next time, I’m Sweet Deat.


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